Let Go Of Feeling Stuck Forever

Counseling For Individuals in Colorado Springs, CO

In-Person & Online Therapy Available


Are you searching for hope, purpose, and healing?

No matter what you’re doing in your life, whether it is working, being with family, or trying to relax at home, there is a persistent feeling you cannot shake.

You are not even sure how it arose in the first place. You know that you have been working to overcome this intensely for months, but suddenly the stress just seems to overwhelm you.

You are worried what will happen if you cannot find a way to calm down, and the fear of that itself makes things worse.

The truth though, is that the way you feel right now is not permanent. Change is possible, it just takes the right guide to make it happen.

Counseling can help.

Anxiety, stress, and overwhelm creep up on us when we do not pay attention to our own bodies.

We become so enveloped in work and all of the little details of everyday, that we become disconnected and do not notice our stress rising until finally it catches up in a big way.

Therapy gets us back in touch with those emotions, so they no longer dictate our lives unknowingly, so we can stop resisting and instead, accept them.

Learning to let go.

We will get to the root cause of why anxiety and overwhelm started in the first place so you can create permanent change in the way you experience life.

Your optimism returns, your focus grows, and you wake up ready to take on life again.

You move through life with confidence knowing you can tackle any challenge that comes your way.

If you are ready to let go of stress and regain control, then let’s get started on your journey!

If you’re ready to break free and regain happiness, then let’s get started!

Call us at (719) 419-3939 or click below to set up a consultation.




Hi, we are Hidden Treasures Therapy!

We know that in this moment things can feel overwhelming, but we can help you get back to feeling calm quickly!

Not only have we been in your shoes before, but we have helped countless people re-claim their inner joy, and we can help you as well.

It is not just about fixing what is here and now, but about creating an upward spiral where your emotions can support you in your goals.

If you are ready to make that happen, if you are ready to let go of the stress and embrace your true being, then let’s get started!



How To Get Started With Therapy


Simply click below to schedule a FREE 15 minute consultation call with us.


We'll call at a time that suits you and learn more about you and your unique situation.


Let's meet! If it sounds like we're a good fit, then I'll invite you to have your first intake session and start on your journey!

Help Is Just A Call Away!

Are You Ready To Start Experiencing Life Differently?